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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Breif Giveaway Update!

Hey guys, make sure to comment on the blog post or you'll be missing out!

~ tEn Donald


  1. hi ya! silly people dont comment cuz they dont read everything

  2. the you tube vid was interesting. tricy to watch though

  3. Sorry if I repeat this since I don't know if you got my first post.

    Anyway, I stood in line at BestBuy and Staples but it turned out the store only had a few units on hand. I was told to go online... but as soon as I got on... it was already out of stock. Anyway, thank you for your generosity.

  4. trying to understand my comments might prove difficult.the youtube video was interesting but tricky to watch. bet it was fun trying to video & show off the playbook! like juggling

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My YouTube user name is CyberSpacer007.

    Thanks for including tips for Canadians!

    Regarding your video asking for giveaway ideas, I think the iTunes gift cards would be popular.Currently I believe both the Blackberry Playbook and the iPod Touch are both around $199. so they would qualify for the under $200. range. Some Smartphones might qualify. Thanks for the giveaways and the chance to be interactive.

  7. hey @greengirl353 and @Zootlinx, just to clarify you must post the comment on the original blog post here http://tenofficial.blogspot.com/2011/11/blackberry-giveaway-16gb.html#comment-form

  8. Good luck on starting your channel, great giveaway btw!

  9. Guys make sure you comment on the original post not this one!!!


  10. Hey...cool contest! I wish you luck in your future adventures. I think the idea was brilliant. Hope you get the traffic you wish to have to your site. Thank you
